Aquascaping Blog
One of the benefits of injecting pressurized CO2 into a planted tank is the control it gives us over how much CO2 enters the aquarium water. While we can control this process stage, we must consider what is required to stabilize the gas within the water column and ensure our aquatic plants receive a consistent supply of vital CO2 to thrive.
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Although all plants require carbon dioxide to grow, some aquarium plants require more CO2 than others to thrive. These high-demand aquatic plants typically originate from areas naturally rich with carbon dioxides, such as rivers and streams. When placed in an aquarium, these species require additional CO2 supplementation to meet their needs. This article highlights some more demanding plants (red plants usually) used by many aquarists to create amazing displays throughout the aquascaping hobby.
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Everything above the water's surface lives in harmony. As we breathe out, we release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Terrestrial plants and trees absorb this. They use this carbon dioxide, along with nutrients and light from the sun, to grow using a process called photosynthesis. The same symbiotic relationship between animals and plants exists below the water surface - but do fish produce enough co2 for plants to thrive? Read on and find out.
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So you have decided to take your aquascaping to the next level and set up your first pressurized CO2 system? Choosing a CO2 system for aquarium use can often be an overwhelming experience, and sadly many people find this process too much, so they decide to leave it. We want to help you get the best system for your needs with as little stress as possible. In this article, read everything you need to know about choosing the most suitable kit.
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Creating a successfully planted aquarium requires lots of planning, creativity and, most of all, understanding what aquatic plants need. Many aquarists can fail to achieve their goal by assuming the pressurized co2 system is only for larger aquariums. CO2 injection is something to consider for any planted aquarium. We hope you find this article helpful while learning how to set up your first aquarium co2 setup.
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