Aquascaping Blog

The most common problem a planted tank encounters is algae growth. There are many forms of it. The planted tank first sees Diatoms (brown algae), which occur within just days of the tank is set up and flooded. As the tank slowly matures, it may encounter other algae forms like Hair Algae and Black Beard Algae. If it survives these initial algae attacks, it can contend with Green Dust algae and Staghorn Algae. Most experienced hobbyists already know the simplest and most effective way to deal with this problem- carbon dioxide injection.

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There are many ways to provide food for aquarium plants. Depending on the general setup of the planted aquarium (light intensity, photoperiod, CO2 supplementation, water pH and hardness) dosing/fertilizing/feeding the plants can be done once a week, twice a week,...
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Aquarists use CO2 scrubbers in freshwater, and saltwater aquariums contain a protein skimmer to help control pH levels. So, if you have issues with elevated pH levels in your saltwater (or freshwater) aquarium, using a CO2 scrubber will help you maintain healthy levels.
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Now that the tank is all set up and flooded, aquarium maintenance begins. This is where most people take for granted. A lot of newbies would try to learn how to create a beautiful aquascape, learn the tricks of perspective, the golden ratio and all of that yet they somehow neglect learning how to keep the scape alive. After all, maintenance of the aquascape is just keeping the plants alive, clean and healthy.
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